
I can’t say today went off without a hitch, but I can say it went very well. Haiti was a country that I was not very familiar with. Luckily P and I stopped at the library yesterday and I was able to grab a couple books to help with this.

10522514_10204762476128712_4879437793617094424_n10610527_10204762474608674_4216558259138120759_n_002  Both of these were great sources of information. I read aloud to both ps for about an hour after breakfast. The plantain porridge in my opinion was wonderful, The kids liked it, but not the lumps. I made a double batch so I have lots left for the week.

I will admit to skipping a lot about the government and some about the more gruesome times in Haiti’s past, although we did talk about the slave uprising, the deforestation, and the natural disasters. Haiti has a very mixed past.  It seems like the people have been fighting for freedom since the French first showed up and in some ways have gotten it. P was a bit shocked about the poverty level of the people, so we also talked about some of the reasons for the poverty and about some of the things that are being done to help Haiti. We also discussed some day to day things, like learning that they drive on the right side of the road but if the other lane is open, then they drive on that side too, making it a bit unsafe.

We then started to color flags.  We got a lot of them done.


10551068_10204762480048810_1531622295892918827_n10557407_10204762477728752_6475579712024339396_n934794_10204762480768828_6776562432931079141_n1610782_10204762478088761_725728565930718332_n10351155_10204762477528747_7060734518028971695_n1555424_10204763401671850_6397572146203549113_nfrom left to right: p, Shari, Amber, P, Chuck and Misti.

Then the real work started. It took about 2 to 3 hours for all the food to be made.  It was a lot of work but everyone pitched in and made it easier. Chuck and the ps cracked open a coconut and then watched a video and how they are harvested. Shari helped make dough with the kids and chopped tons of things. Misti cut a whole papaya and poor Chris got sent to the store. Mia helped with stirring and Ramsey taste tested everything.

10377161_10204762476648725_5609291388016409580_n 10342895_10204763426952482_1384972414565722651_n 10577210_10204762478728777_8558527138312714960_n 68919_10204762476368718_4228796865976471985_n 10478676_10204762479208789_5280640146211854810_n 10540627_10204762475728702_2074357832483072271_n 10603507_10204762478488771_2709434467139707725_n

We let our food settle by looking a tons of beautiful pictures online from people who have visited this interesting and strong country.

Lastly we picked the date and the subject for next month. This time the ps picked the letter c and Chuck picked California for the 21st of Sept.


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