Some of our gaming friends found this amazing cake pan and gave it to me. So of course the next time they came over I had to make a cake and I think it turned out great. The chocolate eyes... Continue reading →
I am sorry to say that I have not yet watched even one Dr Who episode. But many of our friends are big fans of the series, and a couple of them are on the list of people who I... Continue reading →
This Christmas I decided that I did not have enough to do, so I came up with the idea to make a lot of our gifts for people. I won’t bore you with all of the different things we made,... Continue reading →
YES I made it. That was a lot of cakes for me for one month. The last and final cake was for my wonderful friend who turned 40 this year. Last year I made her a dice cake. It was... Continue reading →
Tomorrow is one of the more important birthdays of the year, my mom’s, and every year I try to make sure we have a special night and cake for her. I asked her to pick whatever she wanted to eat, and... Continue reading →
Last year for our friend Allison’s birthday I made her a Tardis cake . I learned from this cake that the chocolate cake that I normally make is not good for stacking, but it did survive a 45 minute drive... Continue reading →
This week my little sister turned 30, and I thought I would share the cake I made for her party. She requested a Rainbow Tie-Dye Surprise Cake that she had seen online. I did change a couple things though. I... Continue reading →
I have a small group of friends who I try to make a birthday cake for each year. I let them request anything they would like and try to accomplish it. I finished one today and wanted to share it.... Continue reading →